Thursday, December 31, 2009

Getting Ready

So I've finally decided where to begin my reading the new year. In college at UW Madison I took a course entitled Booker Books (or something like that). When I signed up for the class I had no idea what that meant, but I had to have a modern lit credit and that looked like the best course for the semester. The class introduced to such great authors as Rushdie, Ishiguro, and one of my favorite books of all time The God of Small Things. Since then I've been following the Booker prize every year, I even love all of the betting, who bets on a book? I've already finished this years winner Wolf Hall, which eventually enjoyed after I got over the different voice narration. I'm going to finish the rest of the short list for my first months books (at least I hope!). Wish me luck starting tomorrow, and I hope everyone has a Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Beginning

I have been thinking about New Years Resolutions, and the one that kept coming to the forefront of my mind was reading 52 books in 52 weeks. Ever since college I haven't continued to read half as frequently as I'd like. I've decided to start this blog to follow my attempt to read so many books. I plan on reading a variety of classics to modern fiction. In the next week I'm going to come up with a plan of different classics I'd like to read. I'm hoping to not re-read anything, so I'm planning on working through those books on my night stand that I've always meant to read.