Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Beginning

I have been thinking about New Years Resolutions, and the one that kept coming to the forefront of my mind was reading 52 books in 52 weeks. Ever since college I haven't continued to read half as frequently as I'd like. I've decided to start this blog to follow my attempt to read so many books. I plan on reading a variety of classics to modern fiction. In the next week I'm going to come up with a plan of different classics I'd like to read. I'm hoping to not re-read anything, so I'm planning on working through those books on my night stand that I've always meant to read.


  1. Welcome to the challenge Alicia. I like your new blog. I have a few classics on my shelves I'm hoping to get through as well. Good luck and Happy Reading!

  2. I'm trying to tackle this challenge as well. I've always had to read extensively for work, but I haven't read nearly enough for pleasure. Come check out my blog and offer suggestions for what you think I might like to read!


  3. Hi Alicia! I'm also participating in this reading challenge. I'm so excited about this year. :) I added you to my blogroll.

    - Angela

  4. Hi Alicia! I, too am doing this and am going to follow your journey. Looking forward to seeing what you are reading. I think we might like the same kind of stuff. I am blogging at

  5. I just noticed your blog's tag line. Have you read So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading by Sara Nelson? She was my inspiration for doing the project. You might like her book.

    Happy reading!
